VivaMK Network - The People's Business
VivaMK Health

Learn more about our new VivaMK Health range line, click on the individual button below.

Speak to the VivaMK Health Ambassador Ivonne Meisel

Want to speak to an Health Ambassador of VivaMK Network?

Whether you have a question, want some advice how to use our products get in touch with with the Health Ambassador Ivonne Meisel and fill in the form below.

Outstanding products YOU can benefit from

With this new product range VivaMK offers an additional opportunity to build a business too.

You can use the products for yourself, work with our Health range, get involved with our VivaMK Beauty or even our VivaMK Planet range.

Try our Meal Replacement Shakes, our Breakfast Shake and our Protein Pancakes. 

Leave your details in the form to get more information about the VivaMK Health range. 


What is NEW in our VivaMK Health range?

Healhy Drinks to cleanse your body and helping you to get a good sleep

Two new products were launched in June. Flaming Orange and Red Hot Watermelon. Both are Fat Burning Drinks and exclusive to VivaMK Network.

So what are those kind of products?


VivaMK Health Flaming Orange Fat Burning Drink
VivaMK Health Red Hot Watermelon Fat Burning Drink

Body Reboot is a Detox Drink. This drink helps your body to eliminate toxins (yes, we all have toxins in our body),it also helps you to improve your energy and to lose weight.

Velvet Nights is a Sleep Dink that is helping to get better sleeps, to relax more before bed time and it can also help to lose weight because of its natural ingredients.

Both drinks are vegan and gluten-free. They are simple and quick to make, especially when using our Health Shaker. No mess, simply add water or any preferred juice and give it a good shake. 

In overall , both drinks help you to burn that stubborn fat. They are based to take in the morning or before excercise, that will help your body to use more energy and burn that fat.

The drinks include coffeine and many other vitamins. For more information visit the "VivaMK Drinks" page on here.


Our health range gives you the confidence you want, to feel better, live healthier and to believe more in yourself. 

"The greatest wealth is health" should be always your personal priority, because when you feel good, you attract more positive energy and self-belief.

Our own branded VivaMK Health range will expand in 2022 with even more products.

Come back to this site or visit for the latetst and most updatest news and information. 

Our VivaMK Health products are not necessarily about loosing weight, although you can lose weight, but to feel good, live healthier, give you the boost of energy you maybe want and enjoy living your life. 

Health is wealth VivaMK Worksocialmedia
Vegetables Healthy life with VivaMK

Where can you buy the VivaMK Health products?

The VivaMK Health products can be purchased direct from the VivaMK Health webshop. The delivery takes only 2-3 business days.

You can also find more information about the products, benefits and ingreadients when you click HERE

VivaMK Health Webshop Vegan Fanatics

There are several voucher codes available on the webshop too.

They are available for a limited time though and new voucher codes are added on a regular basis.

Stay up to date and head over to VeganFanatics for more information.

VivaMK Health Products Range
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