As an Independent Distributor you will be a partner with VivaMK. You earn money on every product sold, by product recommedations to others, working Online (Social Media or Third Party selling sites) or by sharing / delivering and collecting our catalogues in your local area / community.
You earn instantly 25% commission on every product sold (retail profits) and you can increase this by up to another 10% bonus, based on your 4 weeks business turnover.
More and higher bonuses
Additional money bonuses can be achieved when becoming a Team Builder. Support and help is given throughout your journey in VivaMK. Experience is NOT needed.
VivaMK is a Network Marketing company which allows you to partner up with others and showing those how to make money with VivaMK, in retail and maybe Team Building. You can decide how to work your business and work flexible hours.
See an example of what you can earn, based on your own personal retail within a 4 weeks business period. A period lasts for 4 weeks and there are 13 period in a year, so you can get 13 bonuses rather than only 12 in a year. That means more money in your pockets.
Also on this page, you can see the rewards availalable for new starters and for those who are committed to working their business. Scroll down.
Want to get in touch?
Please use the form below. Thank you.
The next page shows you the Network Marketing plan. You can see the different levels, additional money bonuses and what you can achieve by expanding your own business and how you can create your future.
VivaMK Network is offering a wide range of products, from Beauty, to Garden and Household items, to Pesonalised Gifts and more innovative products in our main catalogue, such as Home Decor, Bedding, Eco-friendly range and much more.
To join our Front Row Team go to the Registration page.
Click HERE and look through the range of products our business are offering.
You can find their stories on this website too, go to VivaMK Reviews and Testimonials, different people, different backgrounds with different reasons..
Anyone can make money with VivaMK, it just takes desire, motivation, determinations and the success will follow.
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Wording, photographs, quote and design created & made by
© Ivonne Meisel 2018 - 2025
Buckinghamshire, UK
Strictly NOT to re-use or copied by others without permission given
Please note that it is illegal for a promoter or a participant in a trading scheme to persuade anyone to make a payment by promising benefits from getting others to join a scheme. High earnings are not easily achieved, it takes time..